Get Started

SIMO provides 3 apps: Rhino Plugin, Grasshopper Plugin and the Dashboard app. Below you find everything you need to help you get started with SIMO.

User Guide and documentation

Go to our detailed Documentation and User Guides.

The Documentation covers:
- What is SIMO and UIM?
- Installation
- Licensing
- Support
- Guides
- Tutorials
- How-To
- Release Notes
- Sample Files

Technical overview

SIMO provides plugins for Rhino3D and Grasshopper3D. Our Data Dashboard (standalone desktop app) gives you both simple and detailed project breakdowns with data visualizations, report views and spreadsheet views.

SIMO is built to support very flexible, iterative and collaborative data-oriented workflows for Urban Development teams. All geometries are supported in UIM entities: point, curves, surfaces, meshes, NURBS, etc.

Our proprietary Urban Information Model (UIM) is unique in the market to describe urban systems. It can export to our UIM.json file that you can use in endless ways. The uim.json file will include geometry in the future, but for now focuses on data reporting.

System Requirements

Supported platforms:

SIMO plugins for Rhino and Grasshopper:
- Windows 10 and 11
- Windows Rhino and Grasshopper v6, v7 and v8

SIMO Data Dashboard
- Windows 10 and 11
- Mac OSX

Support + Contacts

We are excited to support our users throughout their journey and get inspiration for where SIMO will develop in the future. Please reach out to us for all your questions, ideas and needs.

Sales, product and services

For all Sales, Feature Requests and Product support questions please contact us here: SIMO Sales and Service Support

Technical support

For all technical and licensing support, please submit all technical support requests here: SIMO Support Ticket form.

Discord Community

Join our Discord Community (coming soon)

Share Your Ideas

Please let us know your great Ideas and Feature Requests for SIMO.
You can submit your feedback here.